Ray White 360 Property Management

Privacy in the Rental Sector

Privacy in the Rental Sector

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC) announced the possibility of mystery shopper spot-checks coming into play in the near future as a means to determine how well landlords are complying with the new privacy rules for the rental sector.  Further guidance on the privacy changes is available here.  The collection and storage of tenants’ … Read more

Do tenants and landlords need insurance? 

Both landlords and tenants should understand the importance of insurance.  There is no legal obligation for New Zealand landlords to take out insurance. However, it is always important to take measures to protect your investment.  Your insurance coverage will differ based on your insurance provider and your personal policy. Your rental property must be insured … Read more

Healthy Homes Compliance Statement | Avoiding fines

New Zealand landlords must include a Healthy Homes Compliance Statement in all new or renewed tenancy agreements.  The compliance statement outlines what has been done to meet the Healthy Homes Standards and what still needs to be done. We strongly recommend getting this done by a third party to reduce any liability on you as … Read more

Get Your Rental Ready For Autumn

Routine maintenance is a must for any rental property – and as we settle into the Autumn season, it’s a great time to prepare your property before the wet and cold winter months approach.  Gutters While autumn leaves falling might look picturesque, they can cause real problems for your property.  Clogged gutters can lead to … Read more

How Monetary Policy works | Tony’s View

The hot topic in the world of economics this week has been the widely expected tightening of monetary policy by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand on Wednesday.  The Reserve Bank is seeking to unwind the damage done by leaving interest rates too low for too long last year and printing too much money.  Some … Read more

Refinancing your mortgage

Refinancing (or remortgaging) is a normal part of the homeownership experience, however, it can be a big decision. Kiwis choose to refinance their home loan for a multitude of reasons, including Consolidating their debt Increasing their borrowing to fund renovations or to invest To secure a competitive home loan interest rate Or, to change their … Read more

Collecting tenant information – what you need to know.

As a landlord, you need to collect information about your tenants – but what sort of information can you ask for, and how do you make sure you use that information responsibly? Landlords and Property Managers must comply with the Privacy Act 2020 when collecting and using tenant information. Collect only what you need. Ask … Read more

House price growth to flatten in 2022?

2021 was a year like no other, and as we enter 2022, it’s clear that this year is going to be very different – for the housing market at least. Average nationwide house prices are likely to flatten out and could even fall in some regions. As evidence continues to demonstrate an absence of soaring … Read more